Cemaes Bay




The sun has cast a magical spell

Over the Cemaes Bay.

The lambs shudder in their

Ironical coat of dismay.

The sea sings a tune of conundrum

A lullaby of dreams far away.

Whispers of rain cling to the

Windows and doorways as

The grey waves usher in the

Palliative joy to a

Heart that lay splayed.

Stones are thrown to awaken the

Limbo of a mind in fray.

Sway, sway, curtains of crystals.

Move away to the beaming sun rays.

The wind ha caught the eye of the

Meadow and my lover today.

My eyes have seen the pinecones

in their branches

Still and snuggled and

Nestled in their hay.

And they will never

Look back again.